The Scale


Our scale is intentionally designed to be user-friendly, allowing individuals without specialized expertise to easily comprehend, score, and interpret the results. The scoring process involves summing up the ratings within each section and then dividing that total by the number of questions in that section to derive a mean or average score. For instance, if the cumulative ratings in Section I add up to 75, and there are 23 questions in that section, the resulting average would be 75 divided by 23, which equals 3. A score of 3 in this context indicates that the individual meets the minimum qualifications for undertaking the responsibilities of a Sponsor.

This straightforward scoring approach applies consistently across all sections. It is important to note that the significance of the scale is unique to each family and situation.

Understanding the score is neither complicated nor shrouded in secrecy. The value of the scale is contingent upon your honesty as the rater. A truthful evaluation guides you systematically to identify your strengths, weaknesses, and areas requiring improvement for an effective home drug abuse program. When complemented by our drug testing system, the scale enhances your awareness of signs and symptoms that might otherwise go unnoticed, fostering a critical self-evaluation as a parent, sponsor, and family member.

Frequently, the home environment can be conducive to drug use despite being an unpleasant place to live. The scale aims to rectify and reverse this experience, transforming the home into a pleasant living space and an inconvenient setting for drug use. Together, the scale and our system constitute a powerful diagnostic tool for establishing a comprehensive home drug abuse program.

It is essential to calculate the average score separately for each section and compare it to its corresponding number value on the Rating Scale to ascertain its significance. For instance, in Section I, a higher average score (3 or more) is preferable. However, in all other sections, the ideal average number should be 2 or below. A mean score exceeding 2 indicates a problem equivalent to the number value on the rating scale. Importantly, this does not imply that establishing a home-based program is impossible; rather, it suggests that attention is required to address potential issues with the parent or sponsor, the home environment, or the individual, ensuring the program's maximum effectiveness.

Should you have any questions regarding the use or interpretation of this questionnaire, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service for assistance at 1-888-431-8378.

Section I: Qualities of a Parent or Sponsor

Have you had experience with substance abusers?
Have you read literature on substance abuse?
Are you familiar with the psychological effects of the common substances of abuse?
Are you familiar with the physical effects of the common substances of abuse?
Are you familiar with the social effects of the common substances of abuse?
Are you familiar with the most common forms of treatment for substance abuse?
Have you discussed drug abuse with your children?
Have you condemned drug abuse?
Have you expressed your dislike for your children's friends who you know or suspect are using drugs?
Have you told your family that drug use will not be accepted in your home?
Have you asked for their help in keeping drugs out of the home?
Have you been careful not to use drugs in front of your children?
Have you been careful not to let your children see you high or drunk?
Have you told your children that you love them?
Do you set time aside to listen and discuss problems with your children?
Do you spend time together as a family?
Do you spend time with your spouse?
Do you listen to your spouses problems?
Are you supportive of your spouse's interests and problems?
Do they know that you care for them?
Do you provide for your family?
Do you make sacrifices for your children?
Do you make sacrifices for your spouse?

Section II: Qualities of the Home

Do people in the home have trouble getting along?
Are there arguments in the home between parents?
Are there arguments in the home between other family members?
Is there negative tension in the home?
Is there physical violence in the home?
Are there people in the family who use drugs?
Are there family members who sell drugs?
Are there family members who have drug abuser friends calling or coming by the house?
Is there verbal abuse and cursing in the home?
Are there healthy adults in the house who are not working?
Have children in the family dropped out of school?
Have family members been allowed to get high in the house?
Have family members been allowed to sell or purchase drugs in the house?
Have minors been out past 9:00 pm without calling or an adult knowing where they are?
Are minors allowed to associate with whoever they want?
Are children made to feel uncomfortable at home?
Are adults in the family made to feel uncomfortable at home?
Is there disrespect among family members?
Is there little support for each other among family members?
Are relationships between family members weak?

Section III: General Indicators - For Subject

Medical Problems
Psychological Problems
Social Problems
Emotional Problems
Educational Problems
Legal Problems

Section IV: Qualities of Mental Health - For Subject

Problems Eating
Problems Losing Weight
Problems Getting to Sleep
Has Mood Swings
Has Sad Moods
Is Nervous
Is Irritable
Has a Quick Temper
Laugh a Great Deal
Cry a Great Deal
Talks about Suicide
Is Verbally Threatening to Others
Disrespectful towards Authority
Thinks Everyone is Against Him/Her
Believes Things That Are Not True
Been Treated for a Mental Problem
Has a Bad Attitude about Life
Not Care About School or Work
Has Trouble Remembering Things
Problems with Memory
Has Shakes and Tremors
Has Headaches
Has Dizziness
Has Blackouts
Has Seizures
See Things that are Not There
Talks to self
Talks to People that No one Else Sees
Is Very Sensitive or Easily Offended
Is Fidgety or Restless
Is Slow and Listless

Section V: Qualities of Personal Relationship - For Subject

Is Detached and Withdrawn
Comes Home Late from Work or School
Comes Home After 10:00 PM
Hangs Out with Friends Until Very Late
Oversleeps in the Morning
Is Late for School or Work
Is Absent from School or Work
Has Disagreements with Teachers and Supervisors
Has Difficulty Maintaining a Job, staying in school
Comes Home Late on Payday
Comes Home Intoxicated
Spends Large Amounts from Paycheck
Does Not Bring Paycheck Home
Associates with Undesirable Friends
Has Relationship with Another Man Or Woman
Is Verbally Abusive
Is Physically Abusive
Is Sexually Inactive with Spouse
Friends Call or Come by Late at Night Without Being Introduced
Does Not Come Home on Pay day

Section VI: Qualities of Addictive Behavior - For Subject

Is Unfriendly Toward Others
Avoids Conversations
Sweats a Great Deal When Talking
Seems Manipulated by Others
Is Sexually Seductive
Attempts to Take Control
Is Evasive When Asked Direct Questions about Drugs
Is Suspicious of Others
Rarely Makes Sense
Has unclear Thoughts
Exercises Poor Judgment
Rarely Gives Clear Answers to Questions
Has Short Attention Span
Is Fearful or Scared
Is Easily Influenced by Friends
Has Lost Interest in personal Appearance
Has Lost Interest in their Work or School
Talks about Drugs
Has History of Using Drugs
Believes he/she can Associate with Addicts and Not Use Drugs
Believes he/she can Use Drugs and can Stop when he/she Wants

Claims to want to use drugs to help:

Overcome Emotional Pain
Overcome Physical Pain
Lose Weight
the Way he/she Looks
the Way he/shes treated by others
work or school environment
the marriage
the relationship

Has Lost Interest in:

other interests
Lies or is Evasive about Outside Activities
Steals Money or Misuses Money

Neglects Responsibilities Toward:

Brothers or Sisters
Other Family

Are Other Addicted Persons:

Living with Subject?
Working with Subject?
Going to School with Subject?