
  1. The war on drugs has been lost to drug dealers and those who benefit from the sale of drugs illegal and legal.
  2. Prison incarceration, AA and NA, therapeutic Communities, expensive treatment, and other drug substitutes have been the primary options for treatment.
  3. The responsibility for addressing the problem has been deferred to the government, law enforcement, schools, and health providers.
  4. There is a shortage of qualified health providers and facilities.
  5. Health Insurance coverage for mental health and substance abuse is limited.
  6. Private treatment programs are very expensive and no more effective than less-expensive options.
  7. Drug abuse testing is documented to help with deterrence and early detection.
  8. Substance abuse and mental health still have a strong social stigma which keeps many people from receiving proper treatment.
  9. There is a national epidemic of substance abuse that is not being affected by traditional interventions.
  10. The advent of newest harmful substances has elevated the importance of prevention from avoiding addiction to avoiding death.
  11. Empowering families with the home drug testing system is a necessary option to prevent substance abuse, maximize the benefits of treatment, and maintain substance abuse abstinence.

What makes Dr Brown's System so Different?

  1. It encourages voluntary participation and empowers the family and Home to deter and early detect.
  2. It emphasizes therapeutic objectives (i.e. the purpose being to prevent drug abuse, not establish a legal basis for punishment).
  3. The identity of the person tested is anonymous – names are never used.
  4. It advocates unannounced rather than random testing which improves the accuracy of the test results.
  5. The Children's Club program is especially important in providing anti-substance abuse socialization for ages 5-10. It is a unique primary prevention program that should be very helpful to child health care specialists.